University Press, University of North Bengal, was established in the year 1972 with the objective of Printing & Binding of articles of various academic and administrative departments mainly Examination related works.
As per statues, the superintendent of the University Press shall be a whole time officer under the administrative control of the Controller of Examinations and shall perform such other functions as may be assigned to him by the Controller of Examinations. The Vice-Chancellor may also assign any job to him from time-to-time in connection with Printing & Publications.
University Press started it’s journey in a hall with mono color Letter Press machine, cutting machine and accessories. With passing of time, various machines were installed with the change of technology like Ruling machine, Motor driven letter press, single color 2 cylinder baby Offset machine, Desktop, Exposing machine, B/W Printers, single color DFC/Demy size Offset machine, Color Printers, Folding machine, Perfect Binding machine, Micro Perforating machine, etc.
Though in early years Press used to do the work of Controller of Examination in major but in later years it expanded its job periphery. Presently North Bengal University Press has been successfully engaged in printing Annual Journals of various departments like Center for Local Language, Hindi, Commerce, Philosophy, Law, Anthropology, Nepali Academy, DLLE, Sociology, History, Economics, DLIS, Political Science, Center for Women Studies, Botany, Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Center for Himalyan Studies and Geography besides printing of routine jobs, prospectus of different courses, abstracts and other materials of seminars being conducted here and different reports and newsletters. University press has successfully delivered Print materials of various International and State Level Seminars and Congresses held at NBU. University Press has also supplied couple of time the Print materials to Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University, formed in the year 2013-14.
Presently University Press building has 3 blocks as mentioned below: -
The main function of this section is to Compose, Page Setup, Designing and handling printers for multi-color jobs. This section is equipped with Computer & Printers for DTP jobs and also with Type Leads for hand composition. Presently at University Press there is 4 (four) Color printers, 5 (five) B & W Printers, 1 (one) Scanner and 4 (four) Desktop PC.
This section is managed by
This section mainly deals with Printing and is done through Offset Printing machine and Letter Press machines. Most of the black & white or single color job are printed by Offset Printing machine whereas the loose sheet of Examination & Envelope are printed at Letter-Press machine. This section consists of five (5) number of Offset machine from size 10” x 15” to 18” x 27” and three Letter Press machine.
This section is dedicated for finishing the job work like binding, cutting, perforation, numbering, stitching, Laminating, etc. This section consists of one number Single Clamp Perfect Binder machine, two Stitching / Wire machine, two Cutting machine, one Micro-Perforating machine and one Laminating machine. Hard binding, Register Binding, Pad binding, Spiral binding, etc. are done here.
This section looks after the administrative part of press including requisition & purchase of materials, arranging repairing works, office-correspondents, material handling, job receive and docketing, etc. All above sections are under the control of the Superintendent, University Press. Asstt. Superintendant assists Superintendant for his/her various activities.
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