This Code of Conduct establishes guidelines for professional conduct by those acting on behalf of the University including students, faculty, officers, staff, and other individuals employed by the University using University resources or facilities, and volunteers and representatives acting as agents of the University.
This is not an attempt to define specifically what one should and should not do, but to communicate the University's expectations of proper conduct and what professional conduct the University values. It is an expectation that the Code of Conduct serves as the basis, on which, University community should make decisions related to the best interests of themselves, their companions, their co-workers and the University. University policies, procedures, and regulations serve to reinforce the concepts presented in the Code of Conduct.
In that spirit, this Code is a public declaration of our shared commitment to upholding the ethical, professional, and legal standards that guide our daily and long-term decisions and activities. We must all be aware of and abide by the policies, standards, laws, and regulations that govern our job. We are individually responsible for our conduct, and as members of the University Community, we are collectively responsible for upholding these standards of behavior and complying with all applicable laws, rules, and policies.