Faculty Council for P.G. Studies in Science has its establishment in the Administrative Building (Annex Building) of the University of North Bengal, Raja Rammohunpur Campus. This office executes the decisions or policies of the Faculty Council for Post-Graduation. The member of the Faculty Council determine the policies related to the academic matters of the University of North Bengal. The Secretary, Faculty Council for P.G. Studies in Science is holding the charge of this office and three other non-teaching staffs are also rendering their valuable duties towards the execution of the decisions of the Faculty Council and other works. There are Fourteen Academic Departments under this Faculty Council. This office is also responsible for the enrollment of the students in every academic year in the P.G. courses running under this Faculty Council.
The Office of the Secretary, Faculty Council for P.G. Studies in Science also takes care of the various works as directed by the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor and as assigned by the Dean, Faculty Council for P.G. Studies in Science.
Admission Process
Office of the Secretary, Faculty Council for P.G. Studies in Science responsible for the admission to the P.G. courses running in all the Departments/Centre for every year. The admission process in the University of North Bengal has been done through total online system. This office conducts the admission process following the guidelines determined by the Admission Committee [as per the rules of the Govt. of West Bengal & the directive of the Department of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal]. The whole admission processes starting from inviting applications through University website and leading newspapers upto the completion of admission of the candidates in different courses [strictly on the merit basis] have been done under the supervision of the Office of the Secretary, Faculty Council for P.G. Studies in Science.
Office of the Secretary, Faculty Council for P.G. Studies in Science responsible for the admission to the M.Phil. programmes running in the Departments/Centre. The admission process in the University of North Bengal has been done through total online system. This office conducts the admission process following the guidelines determined by the appropriate authority of the University, directives of the Department of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal, and the UGC.
Admission in M.Phil Programme was continued till the session 2019-2021
Faculty Council for P.G. Studies
P.G. Board of Studies
The Secretary, Faculty Council for P.G. Studies in Science convene the meeting of P.G. Board of Studies/Expert Committees as per the requirements of the Department concerned.
Free studentship
University of North Bengal offer Semester-wise Full and Half Free studentship to the fifteen percent of total students of the Department concerned in terms of financial assistance in order to facilitate their higher studies through the Office of the Secretary, Faculty Council for P.G. Studies in Science.
Support Staffs
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Programmes under PG Studies in Science
Open to ALL students
Restricted to NBU students
Note for restricted seats :
Note for open seats :