The Bioinformatics department was established in 2017. The department is currently housed in a two-story building along with the NBU Bioinformatics Facility. Since the 2021-22 academic year, the department is offering a PhD program and a two-year postgraduate course (M.Sc.) in Bioinformatics. The department has also been offering a one-year Postgraduate Diploma in Bioinformatics since 2018. All these courses offer students an excellent opportunity to acquire skills in Bioinformatics. This emerging Interdisciplinary field is often considered a junction between biology and computational sciences. All these courses are first-of-its-kind in North Bengal.
The primary vision of the department is to impart quality education, practical based training, and research experience in the emerging frontier of bioinformatics and allied areas. The department regularly organizes workshops, expert lectures, training programs, etc., to groom students and research scholars. All the faculties in the department are actively involved in cutting-edge research in Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, Systems Biology, Computer-aided drug discovery, etc. They have many publications in peer-reviewed high-impact factor International journals.
Enormous data generated from various biological experiments must be stored, analyzed, and interpreted through computers. However, the research institutes and industries worldwide were running short of experts in these fields. The department prioritizes the students' skill development in these demanding areas. The focused area of the department is Biomathematics, Biostatistics including R language, Computer programing including scripting languages, algorithms, Database Management, Website development, Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, and Computer-aided drug discovery.
Two year M.Sc. programme lays emphasis on understanding of the Fundamentals of Cell Biology and Genetics, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Basic Bioinformatics & Computer Application.
The students get exposed to research ethics, ways to avoid plagiarism and all aspects of research methodology in concerned discipline.
Open to ALL students
Restricted to NBU students
Note for restricted seats :
Note for open seats :
a state-of-the-art learning environment
an well-equppied internet hub
high speed & high volume computation facility
gateway to high-quality research
Support Staffs
Associate Professor Novel Drug Target Identification, Computer-Aided Drug Discovery, Protein Engineering
Assistant Professor Comparative Genomics of Bacteria
Assistant Professor Bioinformatics, Host-pathogen interaction study, Gene regulatory network.
Head of the Department
Assistant Professor
[email protected]
locate us @ google map