The Department of Economics was established on 2 November 1962. Faculty and staff strength at the Department currently comprises 12 sanctioned teaching posts (2P/4Associate Professors/6 Assistant Professors) and a complement of 2 non-teaching staff comprising a Senior Assistant and a Record Supplier. The current intake capacity of teaching courses at the Department is 214 (107+107) for the Postgraduate Economics Course and 10 for the M.Phil course in Economics. In keeping with curricular reform and development, the Department has instituted continuing evaluation of its students through Group-Discussions and a comprehensive Viva-voce examination (both years), and a Term Paper (final year), in addition to written examinations held at the conclusion of each postgraduate semester. Since the 8th Plan period, the Department has also imparted a field-orientation to its regular Postgraduate course through its Student Survey Programme (SSP), which offer rural sensitization to students of Economics, besides providing rigorous exposure to the entire investigative procedure involved in sample-surveys, ranging from sample drawal and execution of the SSP questionnaire, through tabulation and computation to the economic analysis of data and report presentation. Remedial teaching and student counselling using tutorial and preceptorial methods to help weaker students to frame answers to assignments and develop writing skills are featured in the regular course work.
With the induction of the Department into the UGC-SAP programme since 2004, the SSP has been reorganized around the SAP thrust areas. During the 1st phase of SAP the Department has created units/modules in the twin thrust areas of Regional Economics Studies and Gender Economics Studies which form components for a teaching syllabus as optional papers in the M.A./ M.Phil syllabi.
The M.Phil programme in Economics comprises compulsory course-work in selected focus-areas of theoretical, methodological and empirical areas in Economics, including three optional papers, and is followed by dissertation work to be submitted in partial fulfillment of the course requirements. The Department has an active research programme under which many students have successfully worked for a Ph.D. in Economics, with a number of doctoral dissertations currently underway. As per new UGC regulations, 2016, entrance examination, compulsory course work, etc. have been duly introduced to ensure rigour in research. The Department has an impressive performance record in the NET and SLET Examinations, where several students of the Department have qualified till date for lecturership/JRF.
The learners get research foundation for doctoral degree
The learners will have extended abilities in many areas such as econometrics, developmental economics, models of consumer and farm theory, fiscal and monetary policy etc. They will have skills of critical thinking, and communication skills.
The students get exposed to research ethics, ways to avoid plagiarism and all aspects of research methodology in concerned discipline.
Open to ALL students
Restricted to NBU students
Note for restricted seats :
Note for open seats :
a state-of-the-art learning environment
an exhaustive source of knowledge resources
an well-equppied internet hub
Support Staffs
Professor International Economics,Micro Economics, Gender
Professor Feminist and Gender Economics, Advanced Monetory Theory, Economics of Planning
Associate Professor Agricultural economics, Macroeconomics, Econmics of Planning
Associate Professor Econometrics
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor Resource and Environment Economics, Demography, Econometrics and Statistics
Assistant Professor Resource and Demography,International Economics
Assistant Professor Resource and Demography,Econometrics
Assistant Professor
Head of the Department
[email protected]
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