The Department of History was established in the year 1964, just two years after the foundation of this University. The history of this department is indeed decked with the contribution of many academicians, teachers, research scholars, students, non-teaching members, and others. In 1965, with the initiative of Professor Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya, the then Head of the Department, a University level museum, primarily intended for collecting, preserving, and exhibiting objects of Indian art and antiquity, was founded and named after Akshaya Kumar Maitreya, the famous historian of the colonial period. It is one of the very few History departments of our state which in its syllabus has well-delineated specializations pertaining to the ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary periods. For more than five decades, this department has produced able students, researchers, teachers, and a number of academicians who have received acclamation from every nook and corner of the country. Now the department offers Post Graduate, M.Phil. and Ph.D. courses, besides, giving NET/SET coaching, remedial classes. The department also conducts Study Tour every year for the fourth semester Post Graduate students. It also received various seminar and research grants from UGC, ICSSR, etc. time to time. Significantly, it publishes a peer-reviewed and UGC approved journal, known as Karatoya. The Department has organized a number of special lecture programmes by eminent historians and academicians. From the year 2019, the department has also initiated a monthly Faculty Lecture Programme with a view of sharing the research orientations of the in-house faculty members.
The learners get research foundation for doctoral degree
They will have the ability to discuss, perceive and narrate diverse time periods, peoples, situations and societies. They will have sound knowledge of historiographical and theoretical frameworks of historical research.
The students get exposed to research ethics, ways to avoid plagiarism and all aspects of research methodology in concerned discipline.
Open to ALL students
Restricted to NBU students
Note for restricted seats :
Note for open seats :
a state-of-the-art learning environment
an exhaustive source of knowledge resources
Support Staffs
Associate Professor Modern Indian History
Associate Professor Ancient Indian History
Associate Professor Medival History of India, Early Modern History of India
Assistant Professor Modern Indian History
Assistant Professor Indian History (Modern Period)
Assistant Professor
Head of the Department
Associate Professor
[email protected]
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