The Department of Pharmaceutical Technology has started post graduate course in Pharmacy (specialization in Pharmaceutics and Pharmacognosy) and Ph.D. Program from the academic year 2019-20. The academic curricula and research programs have been designed with updated knowledge with the primary focus to basics and emerging fields of Pharmacy. Every year considerable numbers of students are qualifying in the B.Pharm. examination and will get the opportunity to take admission in this department through a specific admission process. Research areas in the department mainly focus on various pharmaceutical drug delivery systems, novel drug delivery systems, phytochemistry, natural product chemistry, standardization and quality control of herbal drugs, and other thrust areas of Pharmaceutical Research. The department will regularly organize national and international seminars, conferences, symposia and lectures in order to give a focus on the emerging fields of research to our students and research scholars. The department is well equipped with various new and modern instrumental facilities. Faculty members regularly publish their research findings in reputed national and international journals.
The learner will have the knowledge of medicines derived from natural sources, cultivation of medicinal plants, modern analytical techniques, with extensive knowledge of laboratory methods and techniques, phytochemistry and biogenetics etc. that would open host of career opportunities.
The students get exposed to research ethics, ways to avoid plagiarism and all aspects of research methodology in concerned discipline.
Open to ALL students
Restricted to NBU students
Note for restricted seats :
Note for open seats :
Prospectus for 2023-24
The Department of Pharmaceutical Technology offers the post graduate course in Pharmacy with two specialization i.e. M. Pharm. in Pharmaceutics and M. Pharm. in Pharmacognosy and Ph.D. in Pharmacy Program. The department is recognized by UGC and approved by Pharmacy Council of India (PCI).
a state-of-the-art learning environment
an exhaustive source of knowledge resources
an well-equppied internet hub
Support Staffs
Associate Professor Pharmacognosy
Assistant Professor Pharmacognosy
Assistant Professor Pharmaceutics
on contract
Assistant Professor Pharmaceutical Design and Formulation, Drug delivery systems, Natural hydrocolloids, Pharmaceutical excipients
on contract on contract
Head of the Department
Assistant Professor
[email protected]
locate us @ google map