The present Department of Sociology was established as a combined Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology by the University of North Bengal in 1976. Professor Niren Ch. Choudhury, eminent anthropologist, was the first Professor and Head of the Department who provided the leadership in the formative years of the Department.Professor R.K.Bhadra and Dr.Namita Choudhury were associated with him since inception of this department and helped in the process of its development. The bifurcation between sociology and anthropology took place in 2001 and thus the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology was renamed Department of Sociology and a separate Department of Anthropology was established under the Science Faculty. From its beginning the Department of Sociology has been training students for three courses: M.A., M. Phil. and Ph.D. The Department has produced more than 30 Ph.Ds and more than one thousand Masters. Besides the two main programmes the Department invites visiting faculty, from the reputed national and international universities and the faculty of this department visit the universities abroad on visiting faculty programme and for attending seminars/conferences. The teachers of the Department encourage students to take part in academic discussions outside the class-room interaction and encourage them to present papers in seminars/conferences. In recognition of the good work done by the Department the University Grants’ Commission (UGC) has granted the Special Assistance Programme (DRS – 1) in 2007 which has facilitated undertaking a good number of research projects on issues relating to gender question and the problem of ethnicity in the North Bengal region. The Department has been organizing a national level seminar every year on the gender and ethnicity related issues, which constitute the focal theme of the SAP. As a part of the programme the Department publishes Occasional Papers and edited volumes based on the research articles that are produced under different SAP related programmes.
The learners get research foundation for doctoral degree
Students will have an understanding of sociological theories and concepts. Through field studies they will have the ability to collect and analyse data and evaluate those. They will have the ability to comprehend culture, social change, socialisation etc. The understanding of the social and cultural processes make them eligible for census operations and survey research in addition to research opportunities.
The students get exposed to research ethics, ways to avoid plagiarism and all aspects of research methodology in concerned discipline.
Open to ALL students
Restricted to NBU students
Note for restricted seats :
Note for open seats :
a state-of-the-art learning environment
an exhaustive source of knowledge resources
Support Staffs
Professor Theoritical Sociology,Urban Sociology, Refugee Studies,Tribal Studies
Assistant Professor
Head of the Department
[email protected]
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